A large exhibition in Rome dedicated to Raffaello Sanzio (Raphael) will be inaugurated on the 5th of March 2020 at the Scuderie del Quirinale for the worldwide celebrations of this unique talented artist: this large monographic event, the world’s most comprehensive exhibition ever dedicated to the Renaissance genius simply titled “RAFFAELLO”, is the pinnacle of world celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the death of the “Prince of the arts”.
Realized by the Scuderie del Quirinale, the exhibition, which finds inspiration particularly in Raffaello’s fundamental Roman period that consecrated him as an artist of unparalleled and legendary grandeur, will include over two hundred masterpieces from all over the world (among paintings, drawings and comparative works), such as the Madonna of the Grand Duke of the Uffizi Galleries, the Santa Cecilia from the Pinacoteca of Bologna, the Madonna Alba from the National Gallery of Washington, the Portrait of Baldassarre Castiglione and the Self-portrait with friend from the Louvre, the Madonna della Rosa dal Prado, the famous Veiled again from the Uffizi.
According to Dario Franceschini, the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism “the exhibition on Raffaello is a great European exhibition which brings together masterpieces never gather together so far. The right way to celebrate the greatness and fame of a universal artist 500 years after his death. The prestigious exhibition at the Scuderie del Quirinale sees the collaboration of the largest Italian and international museums and it will allow the public to admire a considerable body of Raffaello’s works “.
But who is Raffaello? And why is considered such a great painter?
Raffaello trained between 1491 and 1494 in the workshop of his father, is considered part of the trinity of great masters from the Renaissance era, alongside his two rivals Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. At the beginning of the 16th century he was indeed already among the most requested artists in all of Umbria and despite dying at the age of just 37, Raffaello was highly regarded and was hugely productive throughout his short life, receiving major commissions from Pope Julius II and Pope Leo X. His work was admired for its clarity of form, ease of composition and achievement of the perfect and harmonious composition of human figures.

In 1508 Julius II himself called Raffaello to Rome, where he remained until his death and where he creates some of his greatest masterpieces including the Vatican Rooms (Segnatura, Eliodoro, Incendio di Borgo, Costantino). He died in 1520, leaving an active thriving workshop in the area, whose diaspora following the Sack of Rome in 1527, will bring Raphaelism throughout Italy. His work influenced generations of artists after him. Raphael was also accorded the supreme honour of being buried in the Pantheon where he still rests in peace surrounded by the beautiful architecture of this great Roman monument. The epitaph on his marble tomb says: “ Ille hic est Raphael, timuit quo sospite vinci rerum magna parens et moriente mori” (Here lies Raphael, by whom nature herself feared to be outdone while he lived, and when he died, feared that she herself would die.”)
Five centuries after his death, thanks also to the contribution of events such as the exhibition in Rome, Raffaello’s genius lives on, his legacy still astounding viewers from all over the world to this very day. If you are in Rome do not miss the chance to visit the exhibition “Raffaello” and to pay a visit to his tomb in the Pantheon to celebrate one of the greatest artist ever existed.
From 5TH March until 2nd June 2020
Scuderie del Quirinale, on Via XXIV Maggio 16
Opening Times: Sun-Thurs 10.00-8.00 pm and Fri-Sat 10.00-10.30 pm, with last entry one hour before closing time.
The exhibition will remain open to the public during Easter and on national holidays
To purchase the tickets online or for further information please visit the official website of the event