World Press Photo Exhibition has finally arrived in Naples for its 2019 edition!
The location of this important photojournalistic event will be the impressive lobby of the MANN – Archaeological Museum of Naples: the choice is not at all accidental, but reflects the desire of the museum’s director Paolo Giulierini to underline the subtle bond that unites the uniqueness of the art of the past with the contemporary sensibility of the present. As stated by the Director of the Museum himself “the great world photojournalism, the courageous witness of freedom of expression even in the most difficult contexts is compared to the masterpieces of classical art kept in the MANN. Wars, violence, migrations, but also beauty and solidarity, challenges with nature, peoples on the move, show that human history repeats itself, read today through the powerful news photography as depicted yesterday in paintings, mosaics, frescoes. we are therefore welcome to this extraordinary exhibition and its protagonists: a month of emotions awaits us “.

The World Press Photo Exhibition , at this point present in over 100 cities and more than 45 countries, will be held from October 14th until November 11th 2019.
The thrilling welcome of the visitors, in the Atrium, with the works selected in the prestigious international photojournalistic competition, represents, once again, the will of the MANN to become an interpreter of the contemporary sensibility, intercepting the most interesting voices: any reflection on the actuality cannot be done without a dialogue with the past.
The exhibition recognized for its high cultural, social and educational value, represents a journey through images among the most important events of our time: 144 photos or better 144 “windows” on the World will introduce every visitor to those events far from us only geographically, but that leads us to reflect and reposition ourselves with respect to our everyday life.
Every year, thousands of photojournalists from the major international publications such as National Geographic, BBC, CNN, Le Monde, El Pais compete indeed for the title and a place in the various categories of the photojournalism competition and exhibition. This global event was created by World Press Photo Foundation, one of the largest independent and non-profit organizations committed to protecting freedom of information, inquiry and expression, promoting quality photojournalism worldwide.
This year’s winning photos were chosen from 78,801 shots by 4,738 photographers who participated in the contest from 129 different countries. the winner of the World Press is exposed Photo of The Year 2019: it is Crying Girl on the Border by John Moore (Getty Image Agency): this unique shot shows a Honduran girl of about two years, Yanela, in a desperate cry: her mother, Sandra Sanchez, who is holding her, is forced to put her down while being searched by an American border police officer at the border with Mexico.
The novelty in this Neapolitan edition, within the awarded categories, has been the introduction of the World Press Photo Story of the Year award, assigned to the photographer “whose visual creativity and abilities produced photographic stories with excellent editing, concerning a great event or a matter of journalistic relevance of 2018 “. The new section was won by the Dutch Pieter Ten Hoopen with the project The Migrant Caravan: a photo-story, created between October and November 2018, dedicated to immigration and the largest caravan of migrants departed from Honduras and headed to the United States : on this painful journey, according to the United Nations Agency, 7,000 people were involved, including at least 2,300 children, from Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala.
Therefore the World Press Photo competition represents the highest standards of topical photography and some of the images awarded with this title have become iconic, others have established trends, others have influenced photojournalism to the point of changing its style and setting the standards.
A unique event in a very marvellous venue that should not be missed…
For further info please visit the official website of the event.